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verb | verb | to phrases
влюбиться vstresses
gen. be in the suction; be mashed on (в кого-либо); be stuck on (в кого-либо); lose heart to (в кого-либо); have a mash on (втюриться, в кого-либо); endear oneself to someone (bigmaxus); spark to (someone); в кого-либо driven); smother with love (olchauve); have a crush on (someone); в кого-либо Johnny Bravo); be spoons; be soft; fall in love (with someone – в кого-либо); be enamored with (He was enamored with her [=in love with her] from the day they met. VLZ_58); be soft (on / upon someone – в кого-либо); be spoons (on someone – в кого-либо); become enamored (в – with; также и в перен. смысле: I spent a week testing the Razr foldable phone and became enamored with it. 4uzhoj); fall for (sb.); fall in love with (sb.)
Gruzovik lose one's heart to (в кого-что; см. влюбляться)
amer. fall for (someone); в кого-либо Val_Ships)
brit. fancy (Taras)
busin. fall in love with (smb, в кого-л.)
inf. fall for; click (но не только о влюбленности: The two "clicked" and Lewis went on to become a private pupil of Brendel's. zalmanov); go for (в кого-либо: Clyde took one look at Bonnie and really went for her.); fall for (в кого-либо) He fell for Rosie when he was in hospital and she was his nurse. Val_Ships); go for (в кого-либо) e.g.)
Makarov. fall for in love with; hook on
slang fall; go for; go a bundle on; go off the deep end (Interex); crush
влюбить v
gen. make someone fall in love (with); make fall in love (with)
Gruzovik turn a person's head (См. влюблять); make fall in love with (pf of влюблять)
Makarov. make in love (with)
влюбиться в кого-либо v
inf. fall for someone (Andy)
: 113 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Modern use1
Obsolete / dated1