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gen. observable; quasi; visible; apparent; outward; visual
med. visually accessible; discernible
shipb. pronounced
| или
tech. ditto
| звуковой сигнал
 звуковой сигнал
gen. acoustical signal
| на
gen. on
| телефонном коммутаторе
 телефонный коммутатор
tech. telephone switchboard
| показывающий, что
 показывать, что...
gen. make believe
| пользователь
bank. participant
| желает
Makarov. find in heart
- only individual words found

adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
видимый adj.stresses
gen. observable; quasi; visible; apparent; outward; visual; seeable; semblable; viewable; conspicuous; seeming; distinguishable; ocular; penetrable; in evidence; discoverable; blazing (VLZ_58); ostensive (PanKotskiy); perceivable
Gruzovik evident
account. visible (о статьях баланса)
avia. apparent (напр., о горизонте)
goldmin., geol. apparent (угол падения, мощность Jewelia)
Makarov. insubstantial; optical (о диапазоне длин волн)
math. obvious
med. visually accessible; discernible
nautic. conspicuous (простым глазом); fair in sight; optical
obs. perspicable
progr. observed (ssn)
relig. perspicuous
SAP.tech. in the foreground
shipb. pronounced
tech. in sight; perceptible; optic
видеть v
gen. espy; look at; meet; perceive; read; survey; surveying; read smth. into (smth., что-л. в чём-л.); set eyes on; catch sight of; observe; descry; spy; witness (в знач. "быть очевидцем": I witnessed the crash.); clap eyes on; gain sight of; get sight of; discern; take in; see; attribute (напр., the authors attribute the negative charge of LPS as the reason for its inability to penetrate into the systemic circulation – авторы видят отрицательный заряд ЛПС как причину его неспособности проникать в системное кровообращение Min$draV)
Gruzovik perceive; meet; live through (См. увидеть); experience (См. увидеть)
Gruzovik, fig. realize (См. увидеть)
hunt. be in at the death
inf. spot; can tell (I can tell he knows something Юрий Гомон)
law witnesseth (WiseSnake)
Makarov. make out; trace; view
math. lay eyes on
med. sight
mil. have visual on (Александр_10)
psychol. recognize
slang dig
видеться v
gen. keep company with someone (с кем-либо Andrey Truhachev); be felt; stay in contact (SirReal); keep in contact (SirReal); maintain contact (SirReal); seem (в значении "казаться" grafleonov); meet; see (with с + instr.); meet with; see each other; be seen (with instr., as); be regarded (as)
Gruzovik be visible; be noticeable; see one another; meet one another (impf of увидеться); dream
context. trouble (get out of here and don't trouble me again – убирайся и чтоб больше я тебя не видел google.pl Shabe)
dipl. see
Makarov. be silhouetted
видимо adv.
gen. apparently; by the look of it; it seems; it should seem; it would seem; there seems; seemingly (Notburga); seem (Min$draV); it appears that (The weather appears to be improving = It appears that the weather is improving. Видимо, погода улучшается Johnny Bravo); perhaps (You have thought perhaps they were right. I. Havkin); probably (вводное слово; You would probably desire that your friends and relatives don't realize that you've had the surgery! I. Havkin); discernibly; maybe (April May)
Игорь Миг it appears; I guess
inf. mayhap (archaic; same as "perhaps" Val_Ships); guess (Guess you had... – видимо, у тебя было... Assiolo)
math. probably
patents. to all appearances
видимое adj.
gen. percept
видят v
gen. one sees
видишь? v
inf. see here? (видите? See here? I patched up that spot where the drywall was starting to crack. VLZ_58); see there? (видите? "Here" is for closer things, and "there" is for things that are further away. See there? That one's a German Shepherd. VLZ_58)
видевший prtc.
SAP.tech. seen
видимое adj.
tib. snang ba
видится v
gen. appear, seem (ZamMinistra)
видя v
gen. on seeing
видимые adj.
comp., MS autos (microsoft.com bojana)
видите? v
inf. see? (Andrey Truhachev)
вижу v
nautic. ho (для привлечения внимания к замеченному с корабля an316)
Видима adj.
rel., budd. Vidima (название страны)
видимый или звуковой сигнал на телефонном коммутаторе , показывающий, что пользователь желает: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Mass media1