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gen. person seeking the exaction (ABelonogov); recoveror (одна из сторон исполнительного производства (управомоченное лицо). Другая (обязананная) сторона именуется должником – A plaintiff who receives a favourable judgement, esp. in an action of common recovery. SOED. Re·cov`er·or' noun (Law) The demandant in a common recovery after judgment. Wharton. Found on and encyclo.co.uk, thinkexist.com Alexander Demidov); exacter
law recoverer; execution creditor (Евгений Тамарченко)
law, court award creditor (по арбитражном решению – Who is an award creditor? In the absence of voluntary compliance, an award creditor, i.e., a party with an award in its favour, may seek recognition and enforcement of the award.: Do the award creditor and award debtor have the right to attend the hearing on consideration of a request for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral award? – Yes, the hearing shall be conducted in the presence of the award creditor and the award debtor or their representatives. 'More)
law, obs. plaintiff (rechnik)
notar. judgment creditor
obs. claimant (tinyurl.com/jm5utdh Tanya Gesse)
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