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verb | verb | to phrases
взорваться vstresses
gen. burst; implode; squib; burst up; blow cool; lose cool; go off (Right on cue, a car bomb went off in Donetsk, injuring no one, but providing a fireball for the cameras.); rip through (a crowd triumfov); go bang; go pop; flip lid; dynamite; get one mad; fire; erupt (о человеке vidordure); let off
Игорь Миг go ballistic; go berserk; throw temper tantrums; have a temper tantrum; go rogue; throw a fit; get riled up
amer. blow a fuse (перен.)
fig. burst a vein (от ярости, злости и т.п. romoon); exasperate; go nuclear (SergeiAstrashevsky); combust (PanKotskiy)
fig., inf. become infuriated
Gruzovik, fig. be indignant (См. взрываться); be outraged (См. взрываться); explode (См. взрываться)
inf. blow up (вспылить Pickman); freak out (VLZ_58); blast off (Practice counting to ten before you blast off and tell someone what's on your mind. VLZ_58); fly off the handle (acebuddy); go kaboom (Taras)
Makarov. go up; go off like a Roman candle; blow down; blow in; fly into a temper; get into a temper; go into a temper; set off an explosion; touch off an explosion
math. be blown up
mining. go gneissoid off
obs. fulminate
sec.sys. detonate; blast; explode; blow up
slang throw a fit; hit the ceiling; pop one's cork; go kablooey (Wassya); flip out (He flipped out in a court, yelling and screaming about his rights Taras)
vulg., fig. lose one's shit
взорвать v
gen. work up (мину); set off; detonate (a bomb); go off; let off; blow; blow up (On Friday evening the Russian-separatist authorities said a car had been blown up near their government building in the centre of Donetsk. theguardian.com); enrage; blow open; burst; implode; spring (мину); send up; blow out (Yuriy83); torpedo; dynamite; fire; set off (Ремедиос_П)
astronaut. dehorn
fig., inf. infuriate; send into a rage; dig; dig up
Gruzovik, fig. exasperate (pf of взрывать); get one mad (pf of взрывать)
Makarov. blow sky-high
mining. blast out
O&G tap (MichaelBurov)
obs. brast; fulminate
road.wrk. blow-up; blowup
sec.sys. blast; detonate; bomb; explode
slang spark up (косяк Abysslooker)
"взорваться" v
gen. burn up
Makarov. flame out; flame up
взорвавшийся prtc.
mil. exploded
: 146 phrases in 23 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal4
Figure of speech1
Foreign policy1
Military lingo1
Security systems2
Wood processing1