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verb | verb | to phrases
взволнована prtc.stresses
gen. emosh (to be emotional nadi_slo)
взволновать v
gen. uproar; upset; ruffle; disturb; alarm; agitate; convulse; discompose; excite; inflame; perturb; touch up; put into a flutter (кого-либо); stir pulses (кого-либо); overwork; steam up; enrough; fluster; perturbate; cause a stir; worry; disconcert; flutter; touch; undo; affect (the news affected him – известие взволновало его); shake; stir; fan (cognachennessy); irritate; move; give somebody a turn (кого-либо)
Gruzovik ruffle; upset; disturb; stir up (pf of волновать)
Игорь Миг make waves; tie in knots; tie up in knots; get under the skin; set nerves to edge (Recent events set nerves to edge.)
Gruzovik, obs. incite (pf of волновать); instigate (pf of волновать)
inf. rattle
Makarov. stir someone's pulses (кого-либо); give someone a turn (кого-либо); impress someone's heart (кого-либо); make someone nervous (кого-либо); move someone's heart (кого-либо); stir someone's heart (кого-либо); touch someone's heart (кого-либо)
взволноваться v
gen. inflame; surge; get oneself into a tizzy; work oneself into a tizzy; flame up; of water, etc to be agitated; disturbed; have one's feathers fussed; to choppy; grow excited (aspss); upset; be agitated (of the sea); be choppy; be disturbed; be nervous
Gruzovik be disturbed; be nervous; be uneasy (pf of волноваться); be excited (pf of волноваться); be rough (of water); be worried; be agitated of water, etc (pf of волноваться); be choppy of water, etc; billow of water, etc (pf of волноваться); wave of water, etc (pf of волноваться); ripple of water, etc (pf of волноваться); worry (pf of волноваться)
Игорь Миг go ballistic
Gruzovik, polit. be in a state of ferment (pf of волноваться)
Makarov. go in off the deep end; go off at the deep end; go off the deep end; be agitated; be excited; be in agitation; be uneasy (обеспокоиться); be upset; become anxious; become uneasy; get excited; have one's feathers fussed; be disturbed (обеспокоиться)
slang get one's dander up; wig
взволнован prtc.
inf. bothered (delightfulangel)
: 107 phrases in 7 subjects