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gen. key up; string up; psych; rile up; inflate; wind up
inf. excite; work up; goose
| цены
amer. slang freight

verb | verb | to phrases
взвинченный prtc.stresses
gen. strung; high-wrought; strung-up; wrought-up; spasmodic; wrought; hyper; uptight; keyed up (Anglophile); taut (Aly19); perturbed (Mermaiden); high wrought; strung up; wrought up; overwrought; wound up (very worried, nervous or angry; she was so wound up she couldn't sleep – она была так взволнованна, что не могла заснуть Taras); on edge; flingy (Jambi_Jack); highly strung; worked up (DC); excited; tense (Abysslooker); harassed (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik highly-strung; worked-up
amer. antsy (I always get antsy about ​meeting my husband's ​boss. Val_Ships)
avia., med. overstrung
busin. inflated (о ценах)
fig. spun (Vadim Rouminsky); amped up (Mr. Wolf)
inf. up to high doh (КГА); overwhelmed (Abysslooker); nervous (Побеdа); hormonal (КГА)
Makarov. overstrung (о человеке)
med. wired (amatsyuk)
slang up tight; tightly wound (Deska); on edge (Before the match all the Tigers were on edge. == Перед матчем все "тигры" были взвинчены.); worked up (John was all worked up about exam. == Джон был весь на нервах из-за предстоящего экзамена.)
взвинтить v
gen. key up (кого-либо); string up (нервы и т. п.); psych; rile up (fa158); inflate (A decline in Russian bourses that began in August has accelerated since the Dec. 4 parliamentary elections against a background of opposition protests claiming that the vote of the ruling United Russia party was inflated by ballot fraud. TMT Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг wind up; set on edge; drive up (drive up oil prices)
Gruzovik, inf. excite (pf of взвинчивать); work up (pf of взвинчивать); raise (prices; См. взвинчивать)
inf. goose (fa158)
Makarov. key up; work up
взвинтиться v
Gruzovik, inf. become nervous (pf of взвинчиваться); get excited (pf of взвинчиваться); become excited (pf of взвинчиваться)
inf. excite; work up
взвинтить: 60 phrases in 12 subjects
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