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inf. saddle (someone with something Andrey Truhachev); lumber (someone with something Andrey Truhachev); saddle someone with something (Andrey Truhachev); lumber someone with something (Andrey Truhachev); lumber someone with something (Andrey Truhachev); saddle someone with something (Andrey Truhachev)
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gen. hang round neck (кому-либо); make a dead-set at (кому-либо); fling oneself at someone's head (кому-либо Anglophile); throw oneself at someone's head (Anglophile); run after (someone – кому-либо Anglophile); set one's cap at (someone); fling oneself at (Also, fling or throw oneself at someone's head . Try openly to make someone love one. For example, She was constantly phoning him and inviting him over, really flinging herself at him, or Mom said she should stop throwing herself at his head. Bullfinch); throw oneself at (+ dat.)
Makarov. hang round someone's neck (кому-либо); make a dead-set at (someone); обыкн. о женщине; кому-либо)
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gen. he made a dead-set at me; throw at head; fling oneself at head
Makarov. throw at someone's head; make a dead-set; throw oneself at the head of (someone); fling oneself at someone's head
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gen. hang about smb.'s neck; throw at smb.'s neck; throw oneself at (smb.); throw oneself at smb.'s head
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: 5 phrases in 3 subjects