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gen. apparently; probably; doubtless; like; ought; I suppose so
| скучал по
 скучать по
gen. long for
| дружескому
gen. friendly
| застолью
gen. tableful
| где
gen. whereabouts
| он
slavon. archaic name of the letter о
| ещё в
 ещё в
gen. as far back as
| двадцать лет
 двадцать лет
gen. score of years
| в духе
 в духе
gen. inspired by
| Бенвенуто Челлини
 Бенвенуто Челлини
gen. Benvenuto Cellini
- only individual words found

adjective | adverb | to phrases
вероятный adj.stresses
gen. probable; likely; apt; believable; feasible; liable; like; plausible; presumable; probabilistic; heir presumptive; conceivable (Aly19); odds on; candidate (tavost); odds-on; suspected (Post Scriptum); credible; specious; topic; topical; probably
astronaut. stochastic
dipl., law presumptive
econ. expectable
law anticipated (anticipated infringement sankozh)
Makarov. would-be
math. verisimilar; moral
obs. avouchable; induciate (наследник); verisimilous
oil interquartile; potential; possible
tech. obvious (наиболее; пункт проверки)
наиболее вероятный adj.
mil., tech. logical
вероятны adj.
meteorol. likely (дожди, грозы и т.д.; – in probability of precipitation statements, the equivalent of a 60 or 70 percent chance: likely Lavrin)
вероятно adv.
gen. apparently; probably; doubtless; like; ought; I suppose so; very likely; on the cards; probably (будущие события вероятно случатся Lavrov); arguably (Sonia); potentially (Notburga); seemingly (Notburga); is likely to (zeev); might (IvanFedorets); presumedly; readily (шотл. ssn); may well; perhaps (См. пример в статье "видимо". I. Havkin); likely to (olga garkovik); not unlikely (We have around 30 hours of studio material already recorded, so it is not unlikely that we will release one or two albums in 2013.); haply; most likely (triumfov); may (typist); it is likely that (They are likely to come soon = It is likely tha they will come soon. – Вероятно, они скоро придут Johnny Bravo); mayhap (VLZ_58); I dare say (kee46); conceivably (Баян); feasibly; it is likely; seem to (MichaelBurov); I just might (Побеdа); presumably; credibly; morally; like enough; plausibly; likely (обыкн. most likely, very likely); presumptively; chances are; the chances are; possibly (reverso.net kee46)
abbr. bunce
astronaut. interquartile
cliche. the likelihood is that (It almost sounds impossible, yet within mere moments the school was engulfed by a wave of slurry waste that reached a height of around thirty-feet. Had the children and teachers been outside at the time, the likelihood is that they would have survived. Or, at least, many of them would have. -- Если бы дети и преподаватели были в этот момент на улице, вероятно, они бы выжили. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
fig. in the cards (ART Vancouver)
idiom. the odds are (something is likely to happen (Merriam-Webster): The odds are we'll see a quarter point hike. ART Vancouver)
inf. prolly (ZarinD); there is every likelihood (Mongolian_spy); belikely
Makarov. must; be apt (эквивалент глагола-характеристики)
math. this approach is likely very probable to produce good results
meteorol. occasional; occasionally
mining. be apt to
obs. belike; likely; speciously
polit. odds are (Artjaazz)
scient. maybe
весьма вероятно adv.
inf. doubtless
вероятно, скучал по дружескому застолью, где он ещё в двадцать лет в духе Бенвенуто Челлини
: 1 phrase in 1 subject