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gen. magnificent; glorious; gorgeous; terrific; rattling; immense
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to phrases
великолепный adj.stresses
gen. magnificent; glorious (тж. ирон.); gorgeous; terrific; rattling; immense; sovereign; shining; bright; celestial; colossal; grand; imperial; palatial; princely; proud; resplendent; star; sumptuous; superb; magnific; spiffing; spiffy; supereminent; top-drawer; topnotch; brag; excellent; super; trimming; splendid; rattling good; goodly; pyrotechnic; pyrotechnical; something like; spacious; swinging; fab; fabulous; brilliant (Notburga); bang up; top drawer; undeniable; extremely good; impressive; marvelous; striking; inspirational (в значении "extremely good or skilful" macmillandictionary.com bolex_ua); outstanding (cognachennessy); sensational; stunning; wizard; scenic (VLZ_58); lordly; accomplished (george serebryakov); dashing; magnificat; noble; pageant; pontifical; stately; stylish; grandiose; nifty (VLZ_58); high-octane (e.g. high-octane hockey VLZ_58); grand-looking (sophistt); admirable (A.Rezvov); luxury (Супру); stupendous (VLZ_58); absolutely beautiful (Absolutely beautiful design! I bought two pairs – one for myself and one for my sister. ART Vancouver); noteworthy (VLZ_58)
amer. awesome (the band is truly awsome Val_Ships); royal (idiom; I got the royal treatment when I stayed at that expensive hotel. Val_Ships); groovy (о настроении-сейчас употр.редко Val_Ships); far out (slang; exellent or cool: That design on that shirt is really far out! Val_Ships); delish (на вкус; highly pleasant to the taste: the homemade chocolate sauce was absolutely delish Val_Ships); bodacious (as in "bodacious ta-tas" – великолепная грудь Val_Ships); copacetic (VLZ_58)
amer., school.sl. gear
austral., slang scrum; scrummy
bot. beautiful (лат. formosus)
college.vern. brutal
emph. topping; heavenly
fig. sheer poetry (Andrey Truhachev); pure poetry (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. smashing; crack; scrumptious; slashing; tops; out of this world; fine and dandy; first-rate; peachy; purple; super-duper; superduper; dandy; splendiferous; great; royal; superbulous (Victorian); illustrious (ElenaBiz); adept (Val_Ships); tremendous (Andrey Truhachev); wonderful; huge (VLZ_58); big (VLZ_58); tip-top (VLZ_58); lights-out (VLZ_58); sharp (VLZ_58); scary-good (VLZ_58)
inf., old.fash. swell (I reckon life is swell. • I'm feeling like a million bucks and I reckon I'm in for a swell evening. • I stick my head outa the tent flap and look at the weather. It is one of them swell mountain daybreaks that I like.)
jarg. ripping
Makarov. costly; glittering; kingly; rich
math. different; different from; distinct; distinctive; other than; perfect; fine
mil. spoony
obs. deviceful; opiparous; palacious; pontific; splendrous; brave; triumphant
obs., poetic gallant
relig. magnifical
slang bang-up; splashing; boo; boss; cracking; fab fabulous; surf (Interex); fabulous ("...When we were fab..." == "Когда мы были легендарными..." - поёт Джордж Харрисон вместе с Джеффом Линном в песне, которая так и называется - "Fab". Они вспоминают 60-е - времена, когда для миллионов людей они действительно были не просто кумирами, а мифом, легендой. Именно в 60-х годах слово "fab" плотно вошло в английский язык, и это относится прежде всего к группе "Битлз". Мы говорим: "легендарные "Битлз", а в Англии и США говорят: "the fab Beatles".); flash; George; hard; high-class; hipper-dipper; hounds; hummer; radical; rocking; sanitary; savage; shag; shirt; slap-up; snitzy; solid; spiny; superfly; tearing; heart; scrumptious (об одежде, качестве пищи, внешнем виде); all the way live (Interex); evil (This wine is really evil! Это вино действительно великолепно! Interex); froody (Oh, you have some froody ideas, all right. But can you carry them out? О, у тебя великолепная идея, хорошо. Но способен ли ты осуществить её? Interex); gnarly (This pizza is too gnarly for words! Эта пица просто великолепна! Interex); narly (Interex); gone (This ice cream is gone, man! Чувак, это мороженное великолепно! Interex); hellaclous (Interex); hot-shot (Interex); hotshot (Interex); major (Interex); rad (Interex); serious (Interex); slick (Interex); smokin' (Interex); money (katerina.yashina); stellar (Interex); stokin' (Interex); too much (Interex); vicious (Interex); way rad (Interex); bitchen (Yeldar Azanbayev); bitchin' (Yeldar Azanbayev); ace (VLZ_58); cold (He was cold on that trumpet – Он великолепно играл на трубе VLZ_58)
slang, canad. gravy (Taras)
telecom. dazzling (oleg.vigodsky)
uncom. pompous; transplendent
uncom., obs. portly
vernac. screaming
vulg. ball-tearing; bally; hellish; hot shit; hunky-fucking-dory; out on its own – like a country shit-house; shit-hot; snotty; tits
великолепно adv.
gen. something; de luxe; goldenly; tiptop; striking effect (to striking effect george serebryakov)
Gruzovik splendidly
idiom. down pat (VLZ_58)
inf. nuts; good-oh; peachy (Mongolian_spy); with bells on it (VLZ_58); up a storm (The actress played up a storm and had them all in the aisles – Актриса играла великолепно и привела в восторг зрителей VLZ_58); tremendously (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., old.fash. swell
slang bong; fine; blip; chill; corking; devoon; drooly; hitching
великолепно! adj.
gen. it's topping; that's famous!; that's going some (Баян); splendid!
Gruzovik, excl. splendid!; excellent!
что-либо великолепное adj.
amer. doozy (the plot's a doozy Val_Ships)
amer., slang lollapalooza
великолепные adj.
gen. grand buildings
: 348 phrases in 40 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Amphibians and reptiles6
Animal husbandry1
British usage, not spelling1
Food industry1
Ice hockey1
Names and surnames2
Pulp and paper industry1
United States2