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вести переговорыstresses
gen. conduct; engage in negotiations; engage in talks; confer with (с кем-либо Taras); confabulate; confer (с кем-либо); be in talks (are in talks to buy... TMT Alexander Demidov); be in discussions (n addition to the Vladimir project, Dow has concluded a partnership with state high-technology company Rusnano and is in discussions over a role in the construction of President Dmitry Medvedev's brainchild, innovation hub Skolkovo. ТМТ Alexander Demidov); be in parley; be engaged in negotiations; parley; be in negotiations; hold negotiations; bargain; hold a parley; negotiate with for (с кем-либо, о чём-либо); hold a parley with (с кем-либо); negotiate with about (с кем-либо, о чём-либо); powwow; conduct negotiations; carry on negotiations; hold talks; negotiate (The companies are currently negotiating between themselves and with the Russian government over the undertaking's financial structure. TMT Alexander Demidov); negotiate with about (с кем-либо о чём-либо)
busin. manage conversations
dipl. treat; treat (о заключении соглашения и т.п.); pursue negotiations; conduct talks; have been negotiating (with ... – с ...; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
econ. be in negotiates; handle negotiates; hold negotiates; carry on negotiates; carry on talks; make negotiates; transact negotiates; bargain (о торговых сделках); discuss (о торговых сделках); have talks (о торговых сделках)
Gruzovik, commun. carry on a conversation
law confer; enter into contacts (Александр Стерляжников)
Makarov. be in negotiation; negotiate with someone about something (о чём-либо; с кем-либо); negotiate with someone for something (о чём-либо; с кем-либо); transact; conduct the talks; conduct talk; conduct transactions; have talks; hold talk
mil. talk
obs. capitulate
patents. negotiate
slang chip the ivories
torped. be in negotiation (о чем-либо, for smth.); negotiate (о чем-либо, smth.)
ведущий переговоры
gen. negotiant; negotiator
вести с кем-либо переговоры
gen. be in treaty with someone for something (о чём-либо); be in treaty with for (о чём-либо)
ведёт переговоры: 168 phrases in 19 subjects
Foreign policy2
Labor law1
Mass media6
Oil and gas1
Security systems1
United Nations1