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вдрызг пьяныйstresses
gen. royally drunk; three sheets to the wind; stinking drunk (ART Vancouver)
amer. drunk out of one's gourd (He was obviously drunk out of his gourd. Val_Ships)
amer., slang falling-down drunk (Charikova)
Gruzovik, inf. dead drunk
idiom. blind drunk
inf. sozzled; as drunk as a boiled owl (Anglophile); boiled to the ears (Anglophile); thoroughly plastered ("No girl likes to feel that a chap has got to be thoroughly plastered before he can ask her to marry him. It wounds the pride." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
slang commode-hugging drunk (Interex); smashed; three sheets in the wind; three sheets in the wind's eye; full as an egg; stoned; rat-arsed (BrE Anglophile); wasted (alia20)
вдрызг пьяный
: 12 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
United Kingdom1