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gen. twice as much; as many again; twice as big (Morning93); twice the size of (My house is twice the size of yours Morning93); a doubling of (LadaP); twice as good; double the amount; double the size; twice the amount; twice the size; double (' "Apparently longevity – this shop being here for over 40 years – doesn't count for much. This corner will probably become a Starbucks under another tower." Coutts agreed, and suggested the rent they all pay now is far better than even directly across the street at newly opened eateries such as Meat and Bread. "They're probably paying double what we are," Coutts said.' – платят вдвое больше vancourier.com ART Vancouver)
amer. twofold (twice as much or as many Val_Ships)
Makarov. twice as many (об исчисляемой величине); twice as much (о неисчисляемой величине); two times as big (по размеру); two times as great (по размеру); two times as large (по размеру); two times as many (об исчисляемой величине); two times as much (о неисчисляемой величине)
math. as much again; twice as large; double the number of
nucl.pow. twice as great
вдвое больше: 18 phrases in 6 subjects