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gen. commission; place in commission; place in operation; put to use (olya.kami); go on stream (tavost); operationalize; set in operation (об объекте)
Игорь Миг come on line
automat. put into production
avia. come into operation; enter service; go into service; introduce into service; phase in; place in service
busin. bring into production
cem. set to work
commun. break in; turn on (Alex_Odeychuk)
construct. take into use
data.prot. field
dril. put in (скважину); open up
econ. put into use; place into operation
electr.eng. put in operation; put into operation; put into service
energ.ind. bring into service; put online (Shnoopy); put in service
fin. open
forestr. start; cut into operation
Makarov. break in (станцию); place in operation (завод, установку); put in (напр., скважину)
media. break-in
mil. activate (Киселев); put into operational service
mil., arm.veh. pass into service
O&G place on production (MichaelBurov); place under production (MichaelBurov); make operational (Johnny Bravo)
O&G, oilfield. come online (mrs_tikhonova)
O&G, tengiz. become operational (e.g. The pipeline is scheduled to become operational in late 2018. Aiduza)
oil come onstream (нефтяное месторождение); place into commission; come on-stream (нефтяное месторождение andrushin)
polym. bring on stream (установку)
product. switch into operation (igisheva)
publ.util. place in separator
qual.cont. put in commission; put in service (put something in (to) service and put something into use to start to use a thing; to make a device operate and function. I hope that they are able to put the elevator into service again soon. I am tired of climbing stairs. We will put it in service within an hour. When can we put the new copier into use? McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 Alexander Demidov); put into commission; put into operational use (igisheva)
tech. put on stream (установку); implement; enter into service; provision
transp. put in
uncom. deploy (SirReal)
well.contr. put onstream (скважину, месторождение igisheva)
вводящий в эксплуатацию
avia. bringing into service; coming into operation; phasing in; putting in operation; putting into operation
construct. taking into use
O&G placing in commission; placing in operation
telecom. putting into service
вводиться в эксплуатацию
gen. come on stream (Ремедиос_П)
O&G be under commissioning (оборудование, объекты и т.д. felog)
O&G. tech. come onstream; go onstream
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Makarov. bring something into operation
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nautic. place in service
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: 40 phrases in 17 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Mass media2
Oil / petroleum11
Oil and gas6
Oil and gas technology2
Pest control1