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gen. drop with fatigue; be just about to crash and burn (Anglophile); be on one's last legs (Ремедиос_П); be overcome by fatigue (by lack of sleep, by hunger, etc., и т.д.)
Игорь Миг fall-down exhausted (Мы работали весь день на огороде и валились с ног – We were falling-down exhausted after working in the garden all day / mberdy.19)
brit., inf. flake out
fig.of.sp. be dead on one's feet (Leonid Dzhepko)
inf. feel beat (maystay)
Makarov. be ready to drop; drop (В.И.Макаров); be dead on one's feet; be dropping with fatigue
валиться с ног от усталости
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects