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важничая vstresses
gen. struttingly
inf. swaggeringly (xmoffx)
важничать v
gen. assume airs; give oneself airs; swagger; peacock; prance; swell; puff; bridle up; put on airs and graces; put on frills; put on side; cock one's nose; set up one's comb; act the lord; flaunt; be puffed up; chuck weight about; get too big for shoes; grow too big for one's shoes; go about with head in the air; play the peacock; put oneself forward; set oneself forward; talk big; talk large; talk tall; blow up; bridle; condescend; get the high-hat; get the highhat; hold head high; walk heavy; assert oneself; assume air; be on the high horse; ride the high horse; feel oats; take on; inflate; lug; put on airs; swash; god it; lord; cock; be on one's high horse; lord it; be puffed up; be too big for one's boots; throw one's weight around (Our boss has been throwing his weight around ever since he got his promotion Taras); give one's self airs; carry it high; be cock on the hoop; go high in the instep; jeat; jet; nose; prink; roister; show off; take state upon one; strut; take airs; act important
Игорь Миг act like a bigshot; act superior; act high and mighty
amer. ride one's high horse; mount the high horse; cut a gash; cut a swath; showboat; plume oneself
austral., slang swank
fig. sit cock horse; plume; be on one's tight ropes; puff up (The new girl seems rather puffed up, as if she thinks she's too important to talk to anybody – Новая девица, кажется, излишне чванится, думает, что она такая важная, что никто не достоин с ней и говорить Taras)
idiom. throw one's weight around (Interex); put on a dog (Yeldar Azanbayev); turn up one's nose at (someone Johnny Bravo); push one's weight around (VLZ_58); throw one's weight about (VLZ_58); set up one's comb (устар. Bobrovska)
inf. ritz; do the grand; swell with importance; come up (стараться показать свою значительность); plume oneself (on)
Makarov. acquire airs; get a swelled head; go about with one's head in the air; hold one's head high; lugs; put on lugs; cock nose; chuck one's weight about; acquire air; be too big for one's shoes; get a swollen head; be on the high horse; get on one's high horse; get too big for one's boots; give one's airs; give oneself airs (зазнаваться); grow too big for one's boots; have a swollen head; look big; mount one's high horse; plume oneself (on; хвастать); pride oneself (on; хвастать); put on airs (зазнаваться); ride one's high horse; ride on one's horse; set up one's comb; talk horse
Makarov., amer. get the high hat
Makarov., inf. come up
mil., lingo come the old soldier (MichaelBurov)
obs. giantize; jayet; roist; strout
obs., inf. put on dog; put on the dog (В.И.Макаров)
old.fash., context. cut a dash
slang style (Interex); puffed up (Interex)
важничающий prtc.
gen. big; consequential; grand; important; stuffy; chesty; Hogen Mogen; self-important; snooty; self consequent; self important; hoity-toity
Игорь Миг cocky
inf. snippy; sidy
inf., amer. airy
Makarov. ritzy; self-consequent
slang on a plate
: 23 phrases in 7 subjects
Explanatory translation1
Obsolete / dated2