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бюджетная политикаstresses
gen. budgetary policies (Budgetary policy refers to government attempts to run a budget in equilibrium or in surplus. The aim is to reduce the public debt. It is not the same as a fiscal policy, which deals with the fiscal stimulus to the economy, the repartition of taxes and the generosity of allowances. WK Alexander Demidov); budgetary policy  (Alexander Demidov)
account. budgetary policy (государства)
bank. expenditure policy (банка welovedoka); budgetary policy
econ. fiscal policy (The use of taxation and government spending to influence the economy. This may work via changing tax rates or the rules about liability to tax, or via changes in government spending on real goods and services or transfer payments. Fiscal policy can be used both to influence the level of aggregate demand in the economy, and to change the incentives facing firms and individuals so as to encourage or discourage particular forms of activity. OE Alexander Demidov)
environ. budget policy (The programmatic use of a government's spending and revenue-generating activities to influence the economy and achieve specific objectives; Программная деятельность государства по расходованию средств и образованию доходов в целях воздействия на экономику и достижение поставленных целей)
fin. fiscal policy
tax. tax and expenditure policy
бюджетная политика
: 67 phrases in 12 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development8
International Monetary Fund16
United Nations1