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gen. be allied to (Norwegian is nearly allied to Danish – норвежский язык близок к датскому); hinge (чем-либо); hinge upon (чем-либо: The story hinges on the relationship between the two sisters. – В центре сюжета – отношения двух сестёр. alexs2011); hinge on (чем-либо: The story hinges on the relationship between the two sisters. – В центре сюжета – отношения двух сестёр. alexs2011); be closely correlated with (Oksana-Ivacheva); go hand in hand with (A.Rezvov)
Makarov. be allied to; be closely connected with someone, something (кем-либо, чем-либо); be nearly concerned in something (чем-либо); tie someone up in knots (кем-либо)
polit. have close ties to (USA Today Alex_Odeychuk)
scient. be intimately connected with (Alex_Odeychuk); have close association with (clck.ru dimock)
UK be centred around (MichaelBurov)
USA be centered around (MichaelBurov)
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: 4 phrases in 1 subject