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быть в затрудненииstresses
gen. labor under; labour under; be in a quandary; be hard pressed; be in a difficulty; labour; labor; be hard-put (Alex_Odeychuk); be at fault; be in a maze; be hard pressed for something; be in a box; be in a fix; be in a hat; be stuck (Victoooria); be in difficulties; be at a loss; be hard pressed; be in a difficulty; be embarrassed; be in a funk; be in a pickle; be in a toss
Gruzovik be in difficulties
amer. dig oneself in a hole (Maggie); dig oneself in deep (Maggie); dig oneself deeper into a hole (Maggie); experience difficulties (Maggie)
econ. have difficulties
fig. be on the tenters
Makarov. be under a cloud; be in a state; be in embarrassment; be on thin ice; be under a cloud
mining. be at fault
slang lie in the suds; be in the suds
быть в затруднении: 6 phrases in 2 subjects