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быть занятымstresses
gen. be at something; be engaged; be pressed for time; be about (чем-либо); be at work upon (чем-либо); be bound up in (чем-либо); bind up; be on the trot; pressed for time (I'm so pressed for time! – У меня совсем не хватает времени! (не осталось времени!) Franka_LV); be tied up (Дмитрий_Р); be about (чем-либо); be engaged in (чем-л.); sleep in (о постели и т.п.); be involved in (чем-либо Stas-Soleil); be having a busy time (TarasZ); involve (чем-либо); be at work upon something (чем-либо); be busy (kee46); caught up in something (Wallace is caught up in his work and has little time for his son vogeler); caught up with something (Wallace is caught up in his work and has little time for his son vogeler); caught up (Wallace is caught up in his work and has little time for his son vogeler); get caught up (Wallace is caught up in his work and has little time for his son vogeler); get caught up with (Wallace is caught up in his work and has little time for his son vogeler); be about anything (чем-л.); be bound up in something (чем-либо); be employed on (чем-л.); occupy one's self with (чем-л.); be occupied with (чем-л.); teem (чем-л.); be upon (чем-л.); have a lot on one's plate (Анна Ф); be busy with (чем-л.); be engaged on; be engaged with; be taken; busy with (чем-л.); engaged in; engaged on; engaged with
amer. get a busy signal (I dialed 911 at least five times and got a busy signal every time; He got a busy signal from the cops, but Gloria pulled up next to him within minutes Taras)
idiom. be in the middle of doing something (Ivan Pisarev)
inf. have on (чем-либо)
law engage (чем-либо)
Makarov. be at work upon something (чем-либо); have little free time; be busy; be busy at something (чём-либо); be busy for something (чём-либо); be busy in something (чем-либо); be busy on something (чём-либо); be busy with something (чем-либо); have on (чём-либо); be about (чем-либо)
tel. busy
быть занятым Can I meet with Mr. Smith on Nov. 3? No, he is not available that day.
gen. be unavailable (Tanya Gesse)
Быть занятым
commun. be engaged in communication
быть занятой
idiom. on one's plate (чем-либо votono)
была занята
: 160 phrases in 19 subjects
Gold mining1
Mass media3
Mobile and cellular communications1