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gen. booster jab (вакцины: The mum contacted the surgery the next day and was told that Georgina had been administered the MMR booster jab on January 8.' // Last month, the NHS invited over one million people to get their Covid-19 booster jabs – and now all over-18s in the UK will soon be able to take part in the programme. 'More); booster (вакцины: No eligible Californian should be denied booster, officials say 'More); booster shot (California health authorities, fearing another winter coronavirus wave, are urging all eligible adults to get COVID-19 booster shots. 'More)
life.sc. booster dose (People aged 40 years and over, health and social care workers and younger people at risk are being offered a booster dose of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Гера)
бустерная доза
: 2 phrases in 1 subject