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gen. boiling; raucous; bustling; roiling; flowing; frenetic
| вода
gen. water

verb | adjective | to phrases
бурлить vstresses
gen. rage; seethe (wuller); boil; popple; bobble; simmer; sod; bubble over; bubble up; roil (непереходный глагол Linch); boil up (grafleonov); come to a boil; work; wallop; warm (особ о крови); heave (Рина Грант); froth (alexs2011); froth up (alexs2011); brawl (Vadim Rouminsky); ripple; roughen (о море)
Gruzovik buzz with excitement; well; well up
Игорь Миг run high
aerohydr. churn; churn up
fig. percolate ("In that boom year of 1939 in Los Angeles, the movie industry was in high gear, and the town percolated with nightlife and high living in a string of fancy supper clubs." (Vanity Fair) – в городе бурлила ночная жизнь ART Vancouver); run amok (No new facts, although on Twitter, speculation was running amok. Abysslooker)
fig.of.sp. be in full swing (grafleonov)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. seethe up
Makarov. rough (о море); buzz with activity; hum with activity; seethe (при кипении)
mil. storm
silic. bubble
tech. bump
бурлящий adj.
gen. boiling; raucous (о месте Яна Полякова); bustling (о городе, деловом центре Yan Mazor); roiling (AlinaZhukova); flowing; frenetic (frenetic city sankozh); seething (VLZ_58); yeasty (VLZ_58); churning (espina); brawling (Vadim Rouminsky)
Makarov. aboil
: 25 phrases in 6 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1