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брюзгливо adv.stresses
gen. crabbedly; crossly; touchily; crustily; testily; grumpily; grouchily (in a way that shows you are annoyed and ready to complain: No, I don't like it – I never have," he said, grouchily. • "Thanks for nothing," she muttered grouchily. mikcanada)
Gruzovik grumblingly; peevishly
obs. techily; fractiously; pettishly; waspishly
брюзгливый adj.
gen. morose; sullen; peevich; grouchy; acidulated; peevish; curmudgeonly; ill-tempered; acidulous; crotchety; currish; snappish; sourish; testy; grumpy; snappy; ill natured; ill tempered; querulous; humorsome; grumbling (Maria Klavdieva); crabbed; cross; fractious; pettish; snarling (о собаке); snarly; teeny; tetchy; waspish
Gruzovik cantankerous
fig. crusty
Makarov. ill-natured
obs. tettish
slang crabby
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects