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gen. pounce on (A salesperson pounced on me [=quickly approached me] as soon as I walked into the store. VLZ_58); bolt towards (в сторону чего-л., кого-л.: If a deer hears the approaching noise of a car, where would it rather be? The restricted shoreline with a daunting and vast body of water before it or the more familiar surroundings of the trees and hills where it spends most of its life? It makes less sense to me that a deer would bolt towards the loch on a car approaching rather than stay in the hillside where it has more options for escape routes. (lochnessmystery.blogspot.com) ART Vancouver)
Makarov. jump at (кому-либо); make a move towards someone, something (кому-либо, чему-либо)
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: 51 phrases in 4 subjects