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брахитерапия nstresses
med. sealed-source radiotherapy (MichaelBurov); endocurietherapy (MichaelBurov); internal radiotherapy (from the Greek word Bραχύς brachys, meaning "short-distance" WAHinterpreter); sealed source radiotherapy (from the Greek word Bραχύς brachys, meaning "short-distance" WAHinterpreter); curietherapy (from the Greek word Bραχύς brachys, meaning "short-distance" WAHinterpreter); brachytherapy (контактная лучевая терапия, кюри-терапия (уст.)) – вид радиотерапии, когда источник излучения (Ra-226, Ir-192, I-125, Cs-137, Co-60) вводится внутрь поражённого органа – comment by xxАндрей Мxx: Radiotherapy is either external (teletherapy) or internal (brachytherapy). MichaelBurov)
med.appl. brachyradiotherapy
радиогр. brachytherapy; plesiotherapy
брахитерапия: 11 phrases in 2 subjects