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to phrases
брать на себя обязательствоstresses
gen. engage; pledge
busin. commit; enter into commitment; enter into a commitment
econ. enter into an engagement; incur a commitment; undertake a commitment; undertake an obligation
law undertake (Право международной торговли On-Line)
Makarov. assume an obligation; take on some commitment
Makarov., crust. pledge oneself + to + inf. (в соцсоревновании и т. п.; +); undertake + to + inf. (+)
media. assume commitment (bigmaxus); assume engagement (bigmaxus); undertake commitment (bigmaxus)
notar. assume the obligation
брать на себя обязательства
gen. take on obligations (Johnny Bravo); undertake
adv. assume obligations; undertake obligations
bank. commit
dipl., law, contr. commit a bill
econ. enter into commitments (принимать); undertake a commitment obligation; undertake an obligation
formal take on the obligation (Statement of Russian President VV Putin in connection with the decision of U.S. President Bill Clinton to not take on the obligation to deploy a missile defense system nationally ART Vancouver)
Makarov. enter into commitments
patents. incur liabilities
relig. covenant
брать принимать на себя обязательство
econ. enter into an obligation
брать на себя обязательства соблюдать верность
: 27 phrases in 10 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1