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gen. careless; reckless; carefree; jaunty; negligent; nonchalant
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gen. ride

to phrases
беспечный adj.stresses
gen. careless; reckless; carefree; jaunty; negligent; nonchalant; thoughtless; unguarded; devil-may-care; easygoing; happy-go-lucky; inapprehensive; uncareful; unheedful; unthoughtful; watchless; blithe; incautious; light-hearted; devoid of cares; volatile; unworried; giddy-pated (Anglophile); flippant (Aly19); mindless (Баян); happy go lucky; light hearted; lightsome; light; unmindful; cavalier (having or showing no concern for something that is important or serious – см. merriam-webster.com Aiduza); casual; heedless (Баян); birdbrained; devil-may-carish (Anglophile); devil may care; easy going; unthinking; laid-back (VLZ_58); easy-going (см. Difficulties En-Ru для ABBYY Lingvo x5 и Краткий словарь трудностей английского языка. От текста к контексту / Валерий Сергеевич Модестов. © "Русский язык–Медиа", 2008 ssn); unconcerned; rocked in security; slaphappy; harum-scarum (Alex_No_Chat); free minded; giddy headed; giddy brained; idle; indolent; supine; undiligent; unheeding
Gruzovik airy (superficial, light-hearted)
amer. arrogant (Val_Ships)
avia. inadvertent
fig. slack
fr. laissez-faire (a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering. "a laissez-faire attitude to life" (Oxford Dictionary): For more than a dozen years, the municipality refused to issue debentures to finance improvements. Roads often followed the construction of housing. This laissez-faire atmosphere drove frustrated West Side residents to secede and form the Municipality of Point Grey in 1906. (Harold Kalman) ART Vancouver)
inf. slapdash
obs. gay; retchless; uncautious
poetic blithesome
slang flakey; flaky; hummy
беспечно adv.
gen. blithely (Anglophile); light heartedly; with complete unconcern; gaily (Igor_M); off-handedly (Andrey Truhachev); offhandedly (Andrey Truhachev); lightly; light-heartedly; carelessly; negligently; harum-scarum (Alex_No_Chat); jauntily; thoughtlessly (Minnesota); complacently (dissenter); nonchalantly (shergilov); idly; perfunctorily; incautiously; inconsiderately; indolently; in a carefree manner; without a care; unwarily; unconcernedly; supinely; breezily (Abysslooker)
Игорь Миг recklessly
Makarov. airily
: 61 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Bookish / literary1