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безвкусный adj.stresses
gen. insipid; flash; flashy; flavourless (о вине); gaudy; inelegant; vapid; tawdry; flavorless (о вине); raw; showy; insulse; milk-and-water; albuminous; garish; unsavoury; dowdy; albuminose; twopence coloured; tuppence coloured; harsh (Aly19); not have a lot of flavour (Supermarket vegetables don't have a lot of flavour, so we grow our own tomatoes and cukes. ART Vancouver); blunt (Djemma); milk and water; poky; stale (о пиве); coarse; vulgar; chintzy; gawdy (TimurRin); flaring; flat (о пиве, газированной воде и т.п.); in doubtful taste; pokey; zestless (Andre_00); tasteless (a houseful of tasteless furnishings Val_Ships); plain vanilla (VLZ_58); unsavory; shoot dead; out of season; saltless; savourless; in poor taste; lacking good taste
adv. in bad taste
amer. short on flavor (о пище Val_Ships); funky (lacking style or taste Val_Ships); blah (VLZ_58)
amer., inf. tacky; corny (Баян)
archit. gaudy (о цвете)
austral., slang tizzy
context. run-of-the-mill (VLZ_58)
cook. savorless
dial. deaf
disappr. kitsch (igisheva); kitschy (igisheva); crass ("Does the Loblaws City Market signage on the heritage façade of The Post seem to be a little out of place?" "Totally crass, on such a cool building. Plus it doesn’t help that Loblaws has basically become public enemy number one." – "Безвкусица." "Совершенно неуместно / безвкусно выглядит на таком прекрасном здании." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
fig. mawkish (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. too too (excessively and tastelessly affected izlondona); not up to much (VLZ_58); no great shakes (VLZ_58)
Makarov. bland; dead; inaesthetic
obs. grapeless; untasteful
slang Coney Island; raunchie; raunchy; ronchie; un-together; untogether; cheesy; piss elegant (Interex); ripe (Interex); pimpish
textile gaudy (об одежде)
USA white-bread (VLZ_58)
vulg. pimping
безвкусно adv.
gen. gaudily; in poor taste; in bad taste; on the gaudy side ("Cuidado, señor!" he said with a sharp sneer. "And keep your paws to yourself. Nobody fools with me." He walked lithely across the room and plucked the knife out of the wood, tossed it in the air, spun on his toes and caught it behind him. With a snap it disappeared under his shirt. "Neat," I said, "but just a little on the gaudy side." (Raymond Chandler) – Ловко, но немного безвкусно. ART Vancouver); flashily; dowdily; inartistically; tastelessly; without taste
Gruzovik insipidly
math. inelegantly
что-либо безвкусное adj.
inf. tat (markovka)
: 87 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Figure of speech1
Obsolete / dated1