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банкомат nstresses
gen. ATM (основной термин, употребляемый в разговорной речи); minibank (S. Manyakin); bank machine (Anglophile); CBC (customer-bank communications terminal akimboesenko); autobank (Anglophile); cashpoint machine (Anglophile); ATM machine (слово machine избыточно, т.к. уже содержится в аббревиатуре, но в просторечье употребляется Баян); MAC machine (PanKotskiy); machine (OLGA P.)
amer. automatic teller machine (zabic)
austral. flexiteller (wordreference.com denton)
bank. automatic cash dispenser (Лорина); ACD (Лорина); ATM (automatic teller machine 4uzhoj)
bank., news bank cash-machine (Reuters: атаки на сети банкоматов – attacks on bank cash-machine networks Alex_Odeychuk)
brit. cash machine (UK Alexander Demidov); cash dispenser (UK: cash dispenser is a machine built into the wall of a bank or other building, which allows people to take out money from their bank account using a special card. Collins; also: cash machine: It would cost around four million pounds to convert every cash dispenser in the country to being voice activated. Alexander Demidov)
Canada ABM (эквивалентно ATM. Сокращение используется некоторыми канадскими банками Alex_Odeychuk)
comp., net. teller; teller terminal
construct. cash dispenser
data.prot. electronic-banking device
EBRD automated teller machine (ATM); cashpoint (CP); automated cashpoint (cp); remote service unit (расположен вне банка); service till (raf); service till
el. cash terminal (Andrey Truhachev); autoteller (Andrey Truhachev); automatic teller (Andrey Truhachev); automated teller (Am. Andrey Truhachev); cashpoint (Br. Andrey Truhachev); ATM; automated teller machine; cash machine
fin. automated transaction machine (Alex Lilo); automated banking machine (Alex Lilo); money machine (Alex Lilo); bancomat (in various countries in Europe and Russia Alex Lilo)
IMF. automated teller machine (banking)
insur., amer. cashomat
IT customer-activated terminal; CAT
loc.name. tyme machine (also "TYME machine" ["Take Your Money Everywhere"]; local slang in some parts of Wisconsin PGS)
Scotl. puggie (A cash maschine or gambling machine.  КГА)
sec.sys. cashomate (для выдачи наличных денег); electronic banking device; automatic transaction machine
 Russian thesaurus
банкомат abbr.
abbr. банковский автомат (автомат для выдачи денег)
: 156 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development11
Explanatory translation1
Security systems2