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акты гражданского неповиновенияstresses
gen. commotion
акт гражданского неповиновения
gen. civil disobedience act (Leviathan); act of civil disobedience (In an act of civil disobedience, the family sent its tax money to an antiwar organization. MWALD. This has led to acts of civil disobedience rioting and guerrilla activities by the PLO and the local Arab population. Thackrah, J. R. TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY – BASIC FACTS Collins Alexander Demidov); civil disobedience (There was always a `support group" behind any direct action or civil disobedience , which was responsible for coming up with the bail. Kallen, Lucille C B GREENFIELD – A LITTLE MADNESS (Collins) Alexander Demidov)
акты гражданского неповиновения
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
American usage, not spelling1