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административно-территориальная единица
 административно-территориальная единица
gen. subnational entity; administrative and territorial unit
admin.geo. administrative division
mid.chin. geographical administrative division; political unit; political subdivision; geographic area; political division
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| Русском
gen. Russian
| государстве
news government
16 17 | вв
tech. blasting powder
| на землях
 на землю!
gen. get down on the ground
| башкир
geol. the Baskir
| татар
gen. Tartar
| и других
 и другие
law lat. et alias
| поволжских
gen. povolzhskiy
| народов
gen. people
| Делились на
 делиться на
math. be divisible by
| волости
gen. district
| и
gen. and
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
административно-территориальная единицаstresses
административная единица
gen. subnational entity (wiki Alexander Demidov); administrative and territorial unit (Richards, G. Melville (1969). Welsh Administrative and Territorial Units, Medieval and Modern. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. Tamerlane)
admin.geo. administrative division (administrative division – не административное деление, а административная (административно-территориальная) единица: Since a shire was an administrative division of the kingdom, the term "county" evolved to designate an administrative division of a federal state, as in Germany and the United States. • An oblast is a type of administrative division of Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, and the now-defunct Soviet Union.; Осторожно, ложный друг переводчика:)
mid.chin. geographical administrative division; political unit; political subdivision; geographic area (в соответствующем контексте 4uzhoj); political division (Tiny Tony); administrative territory (Alexander Demidov); subnational entity (Maxxicum)
административно-территориальная единица: 9 phrases in 3 subjects