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gen. dumptruck; dumper
auto. tipper truck
brit. tip-lorry
busin. dump truck
construct. tip lorry; tipping lorry; tilt-up lorry
Makarov. dumping truck
transp. engl. tip lorry
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mining. end-discharge type

to phrases
автосамосвал nstresses
gen. dumptruck; dumper
brit. tip-lorry
busin. dump truck
construct. tip lorry; tipping lorry; tilt-up lorry
Gruzovik, auto. tipper truck
Makarov. dumping truck
transp., engl. tip tipper lorry
автосамосвалы n
gen. dumpers (1) a person or thing that dumps something ■ (also dumper truck) Brit. a truck with a body that tilts or opens at the back for unloading ■ Austral./NZ a large wave that breaks and hurls the swimmer or surfer on to the beach 2) N. Amer. a large metal container for rubbish ■ (the dumper) informal used in reference to a bad or unwanted state his career's in the dumper. NOED Alexander Demidov)
автосамосвал: 14 phrases in 5 subjects