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Электронно-лучевая сваркаstresses
met. Electric Fusion Welding (Electric Fusion Welding refers to an electron beam welding, the use of high-speed movement of the electron beam directed impact kinetic energy is converted to heat the workpiece so that the workpiece leaving the melt, the formation of the weld. It is mainly used for welding dissimilar steel welding sheet or which high power density, metal weldment can rapidly heated to high temperatures, which can melt any refractory metals and alloys. Deep penetration welding fast, heat-affected zone is extremely small, so small performance impact on the joints, the joint almost no distortion. But it has a requirement on a special welding room because welding using X-rays.: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Электронно-лучевая_сварка wikipedia.org Киселев)
электронно-лучевая сварка
el. electron beam bonding
pipes. electron-beam welding (напр., труб)
tech. electron-beam bonding; electron-beam welding; electron beam welding
weld. EBM (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 Russian thesaurus
электронно-лучевая сварка
gen. сварка расплавлением материалов в месте их соединения пучком электронов с энергией до 100 кэВ. Выполняется в вакууме. Применяется для прецизионной сварки, сварки изделий из особо чистых, разнородных или тугоплавких металлов напр., в микроэлектронике. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Электронно-лучевая сварка
: 21 phrases in 7 subjects
Automated equipment2