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verb | surname | to phrases
усечь vstresses
gen. truncate; cut off; shorten; suss
Gruzovik cut off (pf of усекать); shorten (pf of усекать)
Игорь Миг make sense of
fig. cut; reduce
Gruzovik, fig. reduce (pf of усекать); cut (pf of усекать)
inf. get the picture (dj_formalin); latch (что-либо)
Makarov. suss out
Makarov., inf. cotton on (to); get the message; latch on (что-либо); latch onto (что-либо)
Makarov., jarg. catch on (понять); get the hang of (понять)
slang twig (в смысле, понять Vadim Rouminsky)
усёк? v
inf. savvy?
усёк v
inf. gotcha (SirReal)
Усёк? v
gen. Get the idea? ("Anyway in the night, bang, Hench is bugs. So they drag him over to the hospital ward and shoot him full of hop. The jail doc does. That's between you and me. No hop in the record. Get the idea?" "All too clearly," I said. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
gen. capiche? (Bartek2001)
 Russian thesaurus
усекши v
gen. деепр. от усечь
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects