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Умница! nstresses
gen. my girl!
умница n
gen. brain; headpiece; clever cookie; clever cooky; clever girl (о девушке. reverso.net Senior Strateg); dear; head-piece; smart girl (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik clever person (masc and fem); very clever person (masc and fem); bright girl
Игорь Миг brainy
amer. smart cookie, clever girl or boy, good boy or girl (Maggie); good girl (cia.gov Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. mind like a steel trap (SirReal)
inf. that's my boy (похвала Yokky); that's my girl (похвала Yokky); atta girl (AlesyaSparrow); crackerjack (Andrey Truhachev); smart cookie (VLZ_58); clever person
Makarov. wise head; a wise head
Makarov., inf. the brains
slang brain child; double dome; skull; smart as paint; smarty; nobody's fool; sharpie (Interex)
умница! n
gen. there's a fine fellow!; attaboy! (При обращении к мальчику, мужчине); good boy! Good girl!; smart lady! (Excellent insight! Smart lady! I agree with you 100%. ART Vancouver); at a boy!; good for sb!; good for you!; good job; good on sb!; good on you!; good work!; that is good!; that's good!; there is a good lad!; there's a good lad!; well done!
idiom. way to go! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. attagirl! (к девочке); good man (одобрение Abysslooker)
Умница: 24 phrases in 5 subjects
British usage, not spelling1