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gen. correspondence; accord; matching; adequacy; concordance; congruence
| принятой информации
 принятая информация
tech. received information
| переданной
progr. supplied
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | to phrases
соответствие nstresses
gen. correspondence; accord; matching; adequacy; concordance (признаков или явлений); congruence; fit; fitness; parity; truth; congruity; appropriateness; aptness (чему-либо); conformability; obverse; suitability; respondency; sympathy; abidance (В.И.Макаров); propriety (Ista); adequateness (AlexP73); conformity (in ~ with The procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices. | ~ between to achieve conformity between all the schemes | ~ to conformity to the accepted standards | ~ with We work to ensure conformity with the customer's wishes. OCD. 1 : behavior that is the same as the behavior of most other people in a society, group, etc. religious conformity mindless conformity The corporate culture demands a certain conformity of appearance. conformity [=obedience] to social customs 2 : the fact or state of agreeing with or obeying something – usually + to or with the building's conformity to state specifications The state's traffic laws were changed to bring them into conformity with the rest of the country. We removed our shoes, in conformity with tradition. MWALD Alexander Demidov); compliance (more than twelve months, the compliance thereof with this paragraph )(I) shall be determined by reference to the annual average of the aggregate payments ... | The courts only controlled the compliance of his actions with the procedural and substantive rules of the domestic insolvency legislation. Kotov v. Russia Alexander Demidov); equivalent (Давайте найдем русское соответствие этому слову = Let's find a Russian equivalent for this word. Phyloneer); assonance; parallel; match; cross reference (cross references between ISO 2200 and ISO 9001 Anastasiya Lyaskovets); complience (annie_st); accordance (in accordance with something – в соответствии с чем-либо; согласно чему-либо); appropriacy (lop20); conformation (плану, требованиям); consentaneity; compliance with (compliance with the law – соответствие закону ART Vancouver); match (в лингвистическом ПО; соответствие сегмента текста сегменту выбранной базы переводов Alex_Odeychuk); concent
adv. equation; keeping
astronaut. relationship; conforming
auto. accordance
automat. associativity; capability (характеристик техническим требованиям); relevance (напр., информации запросу)
avia. conformity
book. homology
chem. conforming to
comp. similitude; similarity
comp., MS fit (One of the criteria used for evaluating the success of a data mining algorithm. Fit is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, and is calculated by taking the covariance between the predicted and actual values of evaluated cases and dividing by the standard deviations of the same predicted and actual values); hit (ssn)
construct. accordance (техническим условиям, проекту); conformity (проекту, ТУ)
econ. correlation
ed. analogy; translation equivalent (на языке перевода)
el. applicability; correspondency; fitness (определённым условиям или требованиям); relevance (напр. запросу); relevancy (напр. запросу); representation; satisfaction
energ.ind. fitness (напр., требованиям); conformity (напр., техническим требованиям)
Gruzovik, obs. reciprocation of feelings
immunol. complementariness; complementarity
inf. sync; synch
IT flexible manufacturing; fitting
law agreement; harmony
Makarov. coincidence; goodness of fit; interrelationship; negotiation; respondence; suitability (требованиям); tally; suit
math. mapping; accordance (with); Descartes' idea of translating geometry into algebra by associating with each point of the plane an ordered pair of real numbers
med. aptitude
media. compatibility; compliance
nano adaptability; conformality
nautic. capability (характеристик тактико-техническим требованиям)
navig. check
O&G compliance (техническим условиям)
obs. decency; sortance
oil conformance (техническим условиям); response; consistency (serz)
patents. congeniality
progr. alignment (ssn); compatibility with (кому-чему ssn)
psychiat. caseness (степень, с которой принятые критерии диагностики для конкретного состояния применимы к данному пациенту sonnr)
psychol. congruency (конгруэнтность - согласованность информации, одновременно передаваемой человеком вербальным и невербальным способом (или различными невербальными способами), а также непротиворечивость его речи, представлений, убеждений между собой; в более широком смысле — целостность, самосогласованность личности вообще mshmak); correspondent
psycholing. CEq (индивидуальным) представлениям (критериям; аббревиатура от Criterial Equivalence snakekaa)
railw. counterpart
scient. compossibility (GeorgeK)
stat. coherence
tech. conformance; compatibility (взаимное); map; match condition
telecom. fidelity; corresponding (oleg.vigodsky)
wood. chime
соответствия n
econ. matches (напр., рабочих и рабочих мест A.Rezvov)
media. suitability study (изучение возможности применения ЭВМ с целью определения соответствия автоматизации информационных процессов особенностям системы)
нормативно-правовое соответствие n
busin. compliance (не рекомендуется: комплайенс TermCommittee)
Соответствие GMP n
pharma. GMP Clearance (Timur A-A)
соответствие n
math. relation
Соответствие принятой
: 19 phrases in 9 subjects
Mass media1