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intell. Russian Foreign Intelligence; Russian Foreign Intelligence (СВР)
служба внешней разведки
intell. external intelligence service (как понятие, не как название: The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is an external intelligence service of the United States federal government specializing in defense and military intelligence. 4uzhoj); foreign intelligence service (Alex_Odeychuk); foreign operations directorate (этот вариант хорошо подходит для перевода СВР как подразделения КГБ/ФСБ: SVR, FSB foreign operations directorate 4uzhoj); foreign intelligence agency (e.g., Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency; агентства Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
media. foreign espionage agency (Members of Mossad, the nation’s foreign espionage agency, and other Israeli intelligence officials, attended a meeting at the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia, shortly before Mr Trump’s inauguration on January 20. independent.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
mil. SVR (Der Spiegel identified the pair as 51-year-old Heidrun A and her husband, Andreas, 45, both of whom were suspected to have begun spying for the KGB in 1988, before the Berlin Wall fell. Since reunification they are alleged to have answered to the SVR, Russia's foreign intelligence service, a successor organisation to the KGB. BBC Alexander Demidov)
Russia SVR, Russia's foreign intelligence service (Since reunification they are alleged to have answered to the SVR, Russia's foreign intelligence service, a successor organisation to the KGB. (BBC) Alexander Demidov)
Служба внешней разведки: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Foreign affairs1
Intelligence and security services6
Oil / petroleum1