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Система оплаты трудаstresses
org.name. Compensation Plan
система оплаты труда
gen. remuneration plan (less frequent but OK Alexander Demidov); employee compensation plan (An "employee compensation plan" collectively refers to all the components in addition to the manner in which the compensation is paid and for what purpose employees receive case bonuses, salary increases and incentives. Alexander Demidov); compensation scheme (Alexander Demidov); remuneration scheme (Such a remuneration scheme is still common today in accounting, investment, and law firm partnerships where the leading professionals are equity partners... wiki Alexander Demidov); system of payment (Markus Platini); pay scale (A pay scale (also known as a salary structure) is a system that determines how much an employee is to be paid as a wage or salary, based on one or more factors such as the employee's level, rank or status within the employer's organization, the length of time that the employee has been employed, and the difficulty of the specific work performed. Examples of pay scales include U.S. uniformed services pay grades, the salary grades by which United States military personnel are paid, and the General Schedule, the salary grades by which United States white-collar civil service personnel are paid. Private employers use salary structures with grades (including minimums, midpoints and maximums) to define the ranges of pay available to employees in each grade/range. Alexander Demidov)
account. scheme of payment
adv. compensation plan (AD); compensation plan
busin. wage system
construct. system of earnings
econ. remuneration system; pay system (yerlan.n)
environ. wage system (System which compensates the employees with a fixed sum per piece, hour, day or another period of time, covering all compensations including salary; Система, в соответствии с которой работники получают оплату за труд из расчёта за единицу продукции, а также за час, за день или другой период времени, включающую выплату всех компенсаций, в том числе и зарплаты)
law Compensation Practices (на сайте Совета по финансовой стабильности (Financial Stability Board) Elina Semykina)
O&G, casp. compensation system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Система оплаты труда: 52 phrases in 14 subjects
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Human resources1
Oil and gas1
Rail transport1
Trade unions1