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Сейсмокаротаж nstresses
O&G Seismic Acquisition Tool (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сейсмокаротаж n
geol. seismic logging (СК; vertical seismic profile Irene Sole)
geophys. check shot shooting; check velocity measurements; check-shot survey; check shot; wellshoot (синоним Checkshot evermore); CVT (сокр. от фр. Carottage Vitesse Temps (буквально, каротаж скорость – время) Углов)
O&G checkshot (Bauirjan); seismic log (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. velocity survey; checkshot survey; seismic checkshot survey; WST
O&G. tech. vertical-velocity survey; well-velocity survey
oil sound logging; well-geophone method
tech. seismic well logging; velocity shooting; well geophone method; well shooting; well-shooting method; well shooting method
интегральный сейсмокаротаж n
geophys., oil vertical-velocity survey; well shooting; well-velocity survey
Сейсмокаротаж: 19 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil / petroleum3
Oil and gas4
Oil and gas technology3