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gen. be nowhere; come in nowhere; come off second-best (: to finish in second place : to fail to win: Our team came off second best.); get the knock; get the worst of it; have the worse; kiss the dust; leave the field; meet with a balk; strike the beam; suffer a defeat; suffer a repulse; sustain a defeat; have had chips; meet Waterloo; be hung out to dry (Berezitsky); have nose out of joint; meet with a baulk; lose a race (в борьбе); fall; have a reverse; suffer a set-back; sustain a reverse; be in nowhere; go under (Inna Oslon); be undermost (в соревновании); be worsted; bite the dust (VLZ_58); be defeated through lack of courage (because of delay, in consequence of bad planning, etc., из-за тру́сости и т.д.)
Gruzovik suffer defeat
amer. trounce (в состязании; to defeat heavily in a contest Val_Ships)
austral. come a guster (Alexandinah)
chess.term. lose; meet defeat; suffer a loss; sustain a loss
dipl. suffer a setback
fig. kick the beam
idiom., slang bite the dust (В.И.Макаров)
Makarov. get beaten; go to the wall; have had one's chips; have the wrong end of the stick (в споре и т.п.); lose the day; meet one's Waterloo; receive defeat; strike; suffer a debacle; take a drubbing; take the count; be in the blue; be undermost (в соревновании); be worsted; tumble; fit up and strike the beam; give up a position; kick the to fit up and strike the beam; kiss the ground; lose a position; lose out; meet a defeat; surrender a position; take the full count; have one's nose out of joint
mil., navy take it on the chin (MichaelBurov)
obs., Makarov. lose the bell
slang die on feet; die on one's feet; get one's lumps; punch; suck; tank; wash out
sport. be nowhere; go down (от; to; MMA sankozh); take it on the chin (MichaelBurov)
sport., Makarov. come to grief
uncom. hop the perch
vulg. crap out
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gen. take a drubbing
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: 99 phrases in 13 subjects
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