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Понял! vstresses
gen. I've got it! (Taras)
Понял? v
slang Capish? (Rashid29)
понять v
не могу понять
gen. compass; conceive; imagine; interpret; penetrate; perceive; realize; seize (мысль); sense; gripe; enter into; figure out; get at (I cannot get at the meaning – я не могу понять смысла); get wise to (что-либо); pick out (значение); suss; twig on; wise up; see the light; gain an insight into; gain an insight; be on to (что-либо); be wise; get the hang of; get the hang of (что-либо); get wise; see the hang of (что-либо); get into mind (что-либо); get at (что-либо); have/ get a handle on something (e.g. "I thought I had a handle on it, but guess I lost it." visitor); be clear about (aht); get the point (Lenochkadpr); give to understand; unravel something (bigmaxus); catch on; find out; wrap someone's mind around something (что-либо; I've tried all afternoon, but I can't seem to wrap my mind around it. snowleopard); puzzle out; draw out (смысл); catch on to (VLZ_58); get at (to understand or ascertain by investigation) We need to get at the root cause of all this.); get a read on (A habitant Of Odessa); know (I felt a thump in the back, and I knew immediately I had been shot. Lenochkadpr); apprehend; see; get a feel (Post Scriptum); take the hint; be in; savvy; understand; be a good judge (of); discern; get an understanding of (Alex_Odeychuk); gain understanding (sissoko); attain insight into (A.Rezvov); be read (A.Rezvov); get the understanding (наконец Анна Ф); learn (только в контексте: And you know what I've learned after all these years in our industry? 4uzhoj); work out (контекстуальный перевод на русский язык Alex_Odeychuk); make of (what to make of him – как его понять Inna Oslon); get a handle on (You might need the whole day to get a handle on the true pros and cons of your dilemma. • I can't really get a handle on the situation here. What's happening? VLZ_58); infer (Игорь Глазырин); gain insight into (Andrey Truhachev); see reason (Andrey Truhachev); get one's head around something (polnia); recognize (отнестись с пониманием: We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you and hope you will recognise we're taking this action to better protect your personal data. 4uzhoj); be (get) wise (to); be on to something (что-либо); figure (Looking at the UK Top 100 and trying to figure who ANY of these artists/bands are. • [I was] watching Great Expectations and trying to figure who the person who plays Pip is until I realized it was the stretchy guy from Fantastic Four! 4uzhoj); grasp; have an understanding of; know smth. about; catch the idea; get it; twig; appreciate; embrace (и принять: What seems easy to accomplish for most is actually impossible for such a physical and emotional dwarf. The sooner you embrace this, the happier you'll be. VLZ_58); fathom (постичь, осознать Alex_Odeychuk); wrap one's brain around (Abysslooker); get it straight; get the hang; get the idea; have a clue; have it (что-л.); make it out (что-л.); make out (sth.); make sth. out (что-л.); get intelligence of (Возможно, устаревшее: ...there we continued several hours, [...] being upon the road on horseback to get intelligence of what was passing (Priestley J. An Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the Riots in Birmingham. Birmingham, 1791). Ka4alkin)
Gruzovik comprehend (pf of понимать)
Игорь Миг narrow down; wrap one's mind around
amer. pick up ("You might not be able to pick up a scholarly journal" – Вы не смогли бы понять научный журнал kiberline)
amer., fig. get religion (VLZ_58)
amer., slang warm wise to (что-либо)
busin. catch (smth, что-л.); get smth or (smb)
context. awake
dial. cop on (Borita)
dipl. take someone's point (кого-либо)
fig. go in (требует замены подлежащего: I explained to her what to do, but I could tell it hadn't really gone in.)
fig., news sober up (As Western countries sober up to the realities of the Putin system and its dangers, it is time to close the legal loophole that allows parts of Russia's ruling class to take advantage of the English legal system. themoscowtimes.com VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, obs. flood (pf of понимать); inundate (pf of понимать)
idiom. get a clue (Lvasilenko); get through one's head (shergilov); wrap one's mind around something (isidora77); come to realize (I have come to realize that I not only have the power to make a difference in my community, but I have a responsibility to do it Баян); get one's head around (succeed in understanding: I just can't get my head around these new transaction review rules, they make no sense. • At first I was ridiculed because people simply could not get their head around what I was telling them. Natttaha); have one's arms around something (разобраться, вникнуть в суть; см. также: get a handle on; Get your arms around it): And I still don't really have my arms around why it happened youtube.com Mr. Wolf)
inf. cotton on; get a sense (Анна Ф); get your head around something (что-то akimboesenko); feel ("Do you feel me?" "I feel you!" Liv Bliss); get the picture (ситуацию dj_formalin); click (Have you not clicked yet that the way the UK thinks and acts is approx. 50 years behind Europe? zalmanov); on to (She was on to it at once. VLZ_58); catch; take for; cotton on to (VLZ_58); consider; think (about); wrap one's head around (I can't seem to wrap my head around the new system at all. He/She doesn't understand how the new system works. Interex); catch one's drift (Ты меня понял? – Did you catch my drift? Tanya Gesse)
inf., engl. latch (что-либо)
Makarov. be wise to something (что-либо); get a handle on something (что-либо); get the hang of (someone – кого-либо); get wise to something (что-либо); make out (в чём-либо); make sense of; take in; take on board; to sixth-sense
Makarov., inf. latch on (особ. шутку); latch onto (особ. шутку)
Makarov., inf., amer. get next to something (что-либо)
Makarov., inf., engl. suss out
math. clear up; mean
obs., dial. flood; inundate
psychol. accept; gather (из того, что сказано или сделано); make out (с трудом)
relig. get the message
scient. decipher (нечто сложное A.Rezvov)
slang tumble to; take a tumble; get jeny; put someone wise; dig; latch on to something; make; rap to; tumble; get one's head around something (что-либо КГА); get wise (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло ART Vancouver)
понял v
gen. read you loud and clear (Fig. I understand what you are telling me. (Used in general conversation, not in radio communication.): Bob: Okay. Now, do you understand exactly what I said? Mary: I read you loud and clear. Mother: I don't want to have to tell you again. Do you understand? Bill: I read you loud and clear. Bullfinch)
avia. Copied O.K. (радиопереговоры – radio talk Leonid Dzhepko)
inf. right (Assiolo); gotcha (ART Vancouver); understood (как ответ на какое-либо сообщение Maria Klavdieva); got you (Alex_Odeychuk)
IT I see (а)
mil. roger that (при радиообмене LyuFi)
mil., radio roger (при радиообмене, также copy)
radio 10-4 (4uzhoj)
slang I get that (Sure, sure, I get that. 4uzhoj); you know what I'm sayin' (вводная конструкция, особенно часто встречается в речи американских чернокожих. Не требует ответа, не означает, в принципе, ничего snowleopard)
понял? v
gen. have you got that?; get the idea? ("Anyway in the night, bang, Hench is bugs. So they drag him over to the hospital ward and shoot him full of hop. The jail doc does. That's between you and me. No hop in the record. Get the idea?" "All too clearly," I said. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
inf. savvy?; see here? (MichaelBurov)
inf., slang you feel me? (4uzhoj)
ital. capisce? (Franka_LV)
jarg. sabe? (Earl de Galantha)
slang you dig? (Taras); got the drift? (MichaelBurov)
span.-am. comprende? (Earl de Galantha)
поняться v
gen. be understood
Gruzovik be comprehended (pf of пониматься); understood (pf of пониматься)
Gruzovik, zool. copulate of animals and birds (pf of пониматься)
obs., dial. copulate (of animals and birds); flood; inundate
пойми v
gen. take it (это)
Игорь Миг don't get me wrong
inf. I mean (I mean, I was so young then Pickman)
понял! v
gen. got it! (Got it! -- Понял! ART Vancouver)
поняли? v
inf. see here? (MichaelBurov)
jarg. sabe? (Earl de Galantha)
понять кого-л. v
inf. figure someone out (Aunt Naomi was inscrutable; that was her problem, or one of them anyway. Either that or she was merely empty-headed. In truth, Andrew hadn’t ever been able to figure her out—not entirely КГА)
: 1481 phrases in 66 subjects
American usage, not spelling10
Animation and animated films2
Bookish / literary1
British usage, not spelling1
Chat and Internet slang1
Cliche / convention8
Cultural studies2
Explanatory translation1
Gold mining1
Humorous / Jocular1
Labor organization1
Mass media5
Military lingo1
Oil / petroleum1
Public relations2
Quotes and aphorisms13
Security systems1