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отдышаться vstresses
gen. recover breath; respire; get one's wind; fetch wind; gather breath; get breath; take breath; flush the lungs with air; get back one's breath (Aly19); gain one's breath (о запыхавшемся человеке КГА); regain breath; find one's breath (Aly19); catch one’s breath
Gruzovik regain one's breath (pf of отдыхиваться); recover one's breath (pf of отдыхиваться)
Игорь Миг catch your breath
amer. take a breather (there was no time to take a breather Val_Ships)
brit. get puff back (Anglophile)
Gruzovik, inf. get better (pf of отдыхиваться); be recovering (pf of отдыхиваться); be recuperating (pf of отдыхиваться)
inf. catch breath; get better; be recovering; be recuperating; get one's breath back (Technical)
Makarov. fetch one's wind; get one's breath; recover one's breath; recover one's wind; fetch one's breath; get back one's wind; get one's wind; to re-cover one's wind
Makarov., engl. draw breath; get one's breath again; get one's breath back
давать время отдышаться v
fig. give breathing room (Taras)
"отдышаться" v
gen. recollect oneself (Andrey Truhachev)
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated1