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gen. doubtless; decided; apparent; undeniable; undoubted; unmistakable
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math. anything

to phrases
несомненно adv.stresses
gen. without doubt; far and away (Teddy Roosevelt once observed that far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.); surely; assuredly; doubtless; certainly; clearly; indeed (very glad indeed – очень, очень рад; I may, indeed, be wrong – допускаю, что я, может быть, неправ); positively; questionless; and no mistake; as sure as death; beyond doubt; by long odds; apparently; indubitably (Anglophile); out and out; no doubt; of a surety; as sure as fate; any day; by all odds; for certain; of a certainty; in very deed; as sure as a gun; evidently; decisively; undoubtedly; emphatically; confidently; without a question (bookworm); hands down (Alex Lilo); for a certainty; be sure; without the slightest doubt; of course; by long all odds; most certainly (Stas-Soleil); with no doubt (Vladimir Shevchuk); distinctly; there is no denying that (Sergei Aprelikov); no questions asked (he's certainly been our best player all season, no questions asked. VLZ_58); by far (См. пример в статье "безусловно". I. Havkin); be sure + to inf. (эквивалент глагола-характеристики В.И.Макаров); unequivocally (cognachennessy); there's no question (there's no question he has a legitimate chance. VadZ); definitely (Andrey Truhachev); indeed (very glad indeed – очень, очень рад); quite so; sure; it is certain; all peradventure; it is sure that (It is sure that he will return soon to Moscow Johnny Bravo); ywis; it is certain that (They are certain to come to Moscow = It is certain that they will come to Moscow Они несомненно приедут в Москву Johnny Bravo); without guess (Азери); more than likely (VLZ_58); unquestionably (Азери); undeniably (Sergei Aprelikov); inarguably ('More); indisputably (cognachennessy); doubtlessly; beyond all dispute; without peradventure; past question; certain; evidentially; constantly; out and away
Gruzovik without any question
Игорь Миг it is beyond argument that; absolutely; it could not be denied that (что); it's a safe bet; overwhelmingly likely
amer. for fair; it is dollars to doughnuts
fr. sans doute (vitalinew)
idiom. no question about that (VLZ_58); by a long way (Of all the books I've read, this is by a long way my favorite. = Из всех книг, что я прочёл, эта – несомненно моя любимая. VadZ); to be sure; by all means (Александр У)
inf. all right; alright; easily (Rainmeter is easily the most popular application in use today to achieve an animated desktop background.); make no mistake; for sure (alenushpl)
ironic. forsooth
jarg. deffo (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. beyond controversy; it is indubitable; obviously; without controversy; be certain (эквивалент глагола- характеристики); incontrovertibly
math. for sure; without fail; without question
mining. beyond all question; past without question
scient. no doubt
shipb. presumably
slang beyond all question; you damn Skippy (эмоционально усиленное подтверждение WiseSnake)
vulg. with balls on
vulg., explan. you bet your ass
Игорь Миг, inf. sure thing
несомненный adj.
gen. doubtless; decided; apparent; undeniable; undoubted; unmistakable; unquestionable; certain; incontrovertible; indubitable; positive; questionless; indubious; odds-on; uncontrovertible; hands-down; sartin; unequivocal; unquestioning (Aly19); hands down; odds on; blatant (о лжи); undisputed; unimpeachable; cock-sure; indisputable; not disputed; adducible (AlexP73); absolute; real; sure; certifiable (fa158); constant; credent; undubitable; unimpeached
Игорь Миг unconcealed; unavoidably obvious; unassailable
busin. decisive
dipl., inf. safe
econ. manifest (очевидный); obvious (очевидный); real (очевидный); distinct (легко отличимый A.Rezvov)
energ.ind. absolute (напр., о факте и др.)
fig. crystal-clear (Andrey Truhachev); crystal clear (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. darn tootin' (Interex)
inf. up-front; no-duh (от "no doubt" Vadim Rouminsky)
law undoubtful; unquestioned
Makarov. secure
math. definite
несомненно! adj.
gen. quite!; no doubt!; no problem!; no problemo!; there is no doubt; there's no doubt
austral., slang not half!
Makarov. yes, indeed
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