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надоесть vstresses
gen. pester; annoy; bore; devil; pall; peeve; dun; tease; tire; have enough of (I have had enough of him – он мне надоел); make a nuisance of oneself; get tired (linton); be sick and tired of (someone Taras); be sick (of); be tired (of); bother (with); get on the nerves (of); worry (with); wear down (VLZ_58); be done with (I'm done with your whining Taras); get sick of (Andy); be tired of; be sick of; fed up with
Gruzovik bother with (pf of надоедать); worry with (pf of надоедать); get on the nerves of (pf of надоедать); be tired of; be sick of
amer. be sick and tired (до чёртиков: people are sick and tired of these political BS Val_Ships)
busin. get fed up with (smth)
idiom. someone get enough of something (sega_tarasov); have had a bellyful of (Yeldar Azanbayev); have a bellyful of (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. aggravate; blister; be fed up with
Makarov. make a nuisance of oneself to (someone – кому-либо)
obs. irk
scub., inf. suck
надоевший prtc.
gen. cloying (Aly19); everlasting; long familiar; exasperating (Mosley Leigh); tiresome (Mosley Leigh)
cinema well-worn (о теме)
slang browned off; tired
надоело v
gen. I am fed up; fed to the teeth; get bored (olga garkovik); jack of it (Borita)
inf. be sick of (Тебе ещё не надоел этот снег? – Are you sick of the snow yet? ART Vancouver)
надоел v
gen. bored with (Bored with gin? Over vodka? Looking for a crisp, clean spirit to enjoy in refreshing cocktails, but tired of the same old same old? – Вам надоел джин? Отказались от водки? Вы ищете ...? ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг I'm sick of (надоел весь этот бардак – I’m sick of the mess the country’s in.)
надоело! v
invect. fuck it! (выражение желания переменить тему разговора, забыв о том, что говорилось ранее)
slang turn it up!
всем надоевший prtc.
fig. well-worn (Abysslooker)
надоел! v
quot.aph. we're sick of him! (Alex_Odeychuk)
: 229 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Animal husbandry3
Animation and animated films1
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms1