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noun | noun | to phrases
Молодец! nstresses
gen. you are doing great (lady_west)
idiom. you made it! (Kosarar)
inf. there you go (Technical); you rock! (VLZ_58); that's the way! (VLZ_58)
irish.lang. Fair play to ya! (см. Well done! Taras)
молодец! n
gen. cheers; hot dog!
emph. good on you! (Good on you! ART Vancouver)
inf. well done!; good job! (Юрий Гомон); nice work (just_green); at-a-boy; way to go! (Anglophile); that's a dear!; that's a good boy!; well played! (Anglophile); good for you (Baihu); genius! (при выражении неудовольствия, упрека ladyhayes); nicely done! (Юрий Гомон); bravo! (Liv Bliss); bully for you!; good man (Moscow Cat); that's my boy (Anglophile); attaboy! (careless pronunciation of "that's the boy!" Anglophile); attagirl! (к девочке Yokky); that's my girl (Yokky); good going! (Liv Bliss); Atta boy! (Andrey Truhachev); that's the shot!; good on you, mate!; that's the boy!; you did it! (ART Vancouver); good effort (slitely_mad); well done; fair play to someone (~ to someone Brit. an expression of approval when someone has done the right thing. Shakermaker); you did well (4uzhoj); Nice going! (в т.ч. с сарказмом Andrey Truhachev); attababy! (george serebryakov); there's a good lad (ad_notam); perfect timing (похвала уложившемуся в отведенное время; исключительно в контексте 4uzhoj); way to be! (Virgelle); onya! (/ˈɒnjə/ An exclamation of approval; (сокр. от good on you!) OLGA P.); that's going some (Баян); there's a good fellow (Bartek2001)
sarcast. that was nice! (That was nice! That woman just cut me off when I was crossing with the stroller. Lazy bastard. ART Vancouver)
slang Bravo Zulu (slitely_mad)
Игорь Миг, inf. good boy! (поощрительно: ребенку, собаке и пр.)
молодец n
gen. brick; sport; regular fellow; a broth of a boy; a good egg; clever cookie; good egg; clever cooky; good on you (австрал. Yokky); cheers; fine girl; well; real trooper (Tanya Gesse); nice job (Nice job! -- Молодец! ART Vancouver); fellow; swanky; good boy; fine young fellow (Какой молодец ... – 'He would say "Egad! A fine young fellow, this Fittleworth!" would he not?' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
inf. crackerjack (Andrey Truhachev); lad; trooper (is used to describe a brave, courageous person, someone who is able to make it through something difficult, one who endures adversity or hardship with an attitude of stoicism and persistence : Jeff stood in the cold rain for 40 minutes just to greet war veterans coming to his hometown. He's a real trooper! ART Vancouver)
lit., f.tales bonny lad (Sergei Aprelikov)
obs. bawcock; swankie
sarcast. bad egg
slang whiz-bang; whiz; whizz; nut; thatta girl (высказывание похвалы или одобрения за какое-то действие. Относится к девушкам. Deska); the man (ударение на "е" TarasZ)
vernac. buck
молоде́ц n
Gruzovik fine fellow; fine girl
Gruzovik, inf. tough (a violent person; a rowdy person; a hoodlum; a thug); rogue
Gruzovik, obs. servant; shop assistant; waiter; messenger; errand boy; flunkey
молодцом n
gen. that is the spirit (КГА); gallantly; with dash; pluckily; bravely
idiom. like a Trojan (храбро, не жалуясь и не сдаваясь Sclex)
inf. that's the spirit (Clepa)
молодцы! n
gen. geronimo; you guys are great! (ART Vancouver)
inf. way to go! (в знач. "так держать!" Lu4ik)
police way to go, officers! (одобрительная реплика в адрес полицейских: CBS News Alex_Odeychuk)
sarcast. way to go, guys! (Thanks Mr Mayor! So you’re going to have a city exclusively for filthy rich Chinese immigrants and old white folks so young low-income Canadian workers can come here from Surrey and PoCo to serve them hot food, walk their dogs and take away their garbage? Way to go guys! – Ну вы и молодцы! ART Vancouver)
молодцо́м n
Gruzovik pluckily; with dash; bravely; gallantly
молодца! n
inf. you the man (fa158); kudos! (Damirules)
slang BZ (slitely_mad); Bravo Zulu (slitely_mad)
молодцы n
gen. good job everyone (Анна Ф)
мо́лодец n
Gruzovik, poetic brave person; daring person; young man
молодцы n
slang way to go! (Lu4ik)
Молодцы! n
gen. Attagals! (VLZ_58); Attaguys! (VLZ_58)
молодец!! n
brit. you are a good brick (kristy021)
"молодец" n
brit. Nice one (ad_notam)
молодца n
inf. kudos (в качестве отдельного возгласа vogeler)
молодец n
sarcast. great work (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
slang tough cookie (уважительно: "Did Princess Anne show up?" "She’s by far and has always been the hardest working Royal. She is certainly one tough cookie!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
молодцы n
sarcast. great work (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
: 157 phrases in 18 subjects
Black slang / African-American Vernacular1
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Figure of speech1
Quotes and aphorisms2