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МГЭС abbr.stresses
electric. small hydro power plant (малая гидроэлектростанция 'More)
hydroel.st. small hydro (What is the difference between large hydro and small hydro? Hydropower plants are classified according to their energy production capacity, expressed in megawatts. Large-scale hydropower plants can produce well over 100 MW, while small hydropower plants generally produce less than 10 MW. wikipedia.org 'More)
 Russian thesaurus
МГЭС abbr.
abbr. малая гидроэлектростанция (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Малая_гидроэлектростанция 'More); малая ГЭС ('More); Мингечаурская гидроэлектростанция
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Energy industry1