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Координатор проверки от станцииstresses
nucl.pow. host interface representative (Перед партнерской проверкой ВАО АЭС станция назначает общего координатора проверки, который является связующим звеном между руководством станции, ответственными по направлениям и командой партнерской проверки.: The plant is requested to designate a plant counterpart for each review area and a host interface representative (HIR). Counterparts, often senior plant officials, serve as contact persons for reviewers and provide any needed coordination with specialist staff. The HIR is usually also a senior plant staff member with good overall knowledge of plant programmes, practices and staff. HIRs act as liaison officer between the plant and the WANO team. They participate in team meetings and activities during the mission and advise the team when needed. In case of misunderstandings or issues needing further clarification, the HIR finds the responsible plant staff to enable further dialogue to occur. Vasilius Galkinus)
координатор проверки от станции
nucl.pow. host plant peer (Во время миссий OSART МАГАТЭ принимающая станция назначает "host plant peer", т. е. координатора проверки, который координирует взаимодействие между экспертами команды и станционными партнерами.: The plant is requested to designate a plant counterpart for each review area and a host plant peer (HPP). Counterparts, often senior plant officials, serve as contact persons for reviewers and provide any needed coordination with specialist staff. The HPP is usually also a senior plant staff member with good overall knowledge of plant programmes, practices and staff. HPPs act as liaison officer between the plant and the IAEA team. They participate in team meetings and activities during the mission and advise the team when needed. In case of misunderstandings or issues needing further clarification, the HPP finds the responsible plant staff to enable further dialogue to occur. танция назначает общего координатора проверки, который является связующим звеном между руководством станции, ответственными по направлениям и командой OSART. Vasilius Galkinus)