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gen. sunburnt; adust; tanned; swarthy; weather-beaten; bronzed
| левый / правый
 левый / правый
TV left/right
| двигатель
gen. motor
| Прошу
old.fash. pray
| векторение
avia. aircraft vectoring
| для
gen. for
| посадки с обратным курсом
 посадка с обратным курсом
tech. reversal procedure

verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
загореться vstresses
gen. fire; ignite; inflame; kindle (тж. перен.); catch fire (чем-либо example provided by ART Vancouver: A 35-foot boat caught fire while it was docked at the Crescent Beach Marina in Surrey Thursday afternoon.); take fire; flame out; flame up; catch on fire (Maeva); relight; start burning (Andrey Truhachev); start to glow (Andrey Truhachev); start to burn (Andrey Truhachev); light up (о лампе и т. п.: When we cranked up the engine, the fire warning light lit up.); get hooked on (чем-либо Vladimir); excit at (чем-то suburbian); be flushed (of one’s face); break out (of an argument, fight, etc.); be consumed with (an emotion, idea, etc.); be on fire (She detailed how she would hear a voice in her head that would warn of certain events, such as when the family barn was on fire. -- когда загорелся амбар coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik begin to burn (pf of загораться); blaze with (pf of загораться); burn with (pf of загораться); flush with (pf of загораться); begin to glow (pf of загораться); light up (pf of загораться)
auto. burst into flame
context. change (о сигнале светофора; вариант сугубо контекстуальный и требует переделки предложения: We were stationary waiting for the lights to change. – Мы стояли на светофоре и ждали, когда загорится зеленый. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, fig. break out (pf of загораться); start (pf of загораться)
Gruzovik, inf. have a burning desir (pf of загораться); be out of breath (pf of загораться); overstrain oneself (pf of загораться); have a burning desire (pf of загораться); want very much (pf of загораться); be eager to (pf of загораться)
Makarov. break into flame; break into flames; burst into flames; flame; go up in flames; break out (начаться); burn with (желанием и т. п.); catch alight; catch fire; light up (о лице, глазах)
poetic outflame
загореть v
gen. turn brown; become or get sunburned; sun-bathe; bake; blacken; brown; burn; tan; take a tan; get a suntan; get a sun-tan; get sun burned (4uzhoj); bask in the sun; sunbathe
Gruzovik acquire a tan (pf of загорать); become sunburnt (pf of загорать); become tanned (pf of загорать)
agric. fire
book. apricate ("I was also biting into that part of his body that must have been fairer than the rest because it never apricated." André Aciman; Call Me by Your Name; Picador; 2007 sunman)
Makarov. get suntan; acquire a tan; become brown; become sunburnt; become tanned; get a suntan (на солнце); get a tan
med. get sunburn (bigmaxus)
загоревший prtc.
gen. as brown as a berry; brown as a berry
Gruzovik sunburnt; tanned
загоревшийся prtc.
fire. alight (iso.org Natalya Rovina)
загорелый adj.
gen. sunburnt; adust; tanned (от солнца); swarthy; weather-beaten; bronzed (Anglophile); suntanned (FARAMIR); weatherbeaten (Suvor); weather beaten; sunbathed; sunburned; tan (you look tan Alexander Demidov); sunkissed (as_hia); chapped; brown; blowzy; sun burnt; sun-kissed (Her sun-kissed skin bore the golden hue of days spent under the summer sun. lolmaus)
nucl.pow. sun tanned
obs. blowzed
Игорь Миг, hist. brown-skinned
Загорелся: 113 phrases in 18 subjects
Conventional notation1
Military aviation1
Obsolete / dated1
Rail transport2