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Договора на выполнение работstresses
gen. contract for the performance of work (ROGER YOUNG)
договор на выполнение работ
gen. works contract (different bidders looking to obtain an award of business activity in works, supply, or service contracts. Wiki. Decision – Works contract award for the Capital Maintenance Programme 2012/13 – Building Works – Various Schools. Alexander Demidov); contract (достаточно просто contract (без work ~), но при необходимости значение расширяется, e.g.: The following is a free sample *contract* for removal-jobs by tree services. | This sample *contract* pertains to proposed work to be done on a patio of the residential property at 345 Bee Lane. ART Vancouver)
busin. work contract
law operational contract (Fallen In Love)
Договор на выполнение работ
O&G, tengiz. Work Agreement
Договора на выполнение работ: 14 phrases in 8 subjects
Corporate governance1
Energy industry1
Project management4