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Департамент здравоохранения
 Департамент Здравоохранения
gen. Department of Health Care Services
 Департамент здравоохранения
med. Commonwealth Department of Health; Department of Public Health
 департамент здравоохранения
gen. Board of Health; Department of Health Services
amer. Medical Department
gov. Health
health. public health department
| города
gen. town; borough
| Москвы
geol. the Moscov

to phrases
департамент здравоохраненияstresses
gen. Board of Health; Department of Health Services (Johnny Bravo)
amer. Medical Department
gov. Health (в официальных названиях государственных органов по здравоохранению, всегда пишется с заглавной буквы: ... Health:: Fraser Health is responsible for the delivery of hospital and community-based health services to over 1.9 million people in 20 diverse communities. ART Vancouver)
health. public health department (Andrey Truhachev)
med. department of health (MichaelBurov)
Департамент здравоохранения
med. Commonwealth Department of Health (Австралии); Department of Public Health (США)
Департамент Здравоохранения
gen. Department of Health Care Services (tania_mouse)
Департамент здравоохранения: 42 phrases in 15 subjects
Administrative law1
American usage, not spelling2
Energy industry1
Health care5
International relations1
Non-governmental organizations1
Oil and gas3
Weapons of mass destruction1