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Безобразие! nstresses
gen. that's an outrage! (BrE\AmE; возглас, когда отвратительные, вызывающие возмущение или негодование поступки, действия совершаются или совершены jodrey)
безобразие n
gen. ugliness; deformity; disgrace; hideousness; beastliness; deformation; crime; hideosity; outrage (triumfov); crookedness; disfiguration; enormity; enormousness; foulness; horribleness; horridness; ill looks; ill countenance; ill favouredness; shapelessness; scandal
Gruzovik shame; disgraceful thing; shocking thing
inf. it's disgraceful; it's outrageous; unbelievable (контекстуально ParanoIDioteque); train wreck (I pointed out that this is a syntactic mess: my comment was deleted but my name remains, as if I were somehow endorsing this train wreck. (с) Liv Bliss 4uzhoj); rough-house ('The carroty man said: "You heard me, Mr Hench. Dim that radio and stop the rough-house in here. And make it sudden." (Raymond Chandler) – прекратите это безобразие ART Vancouver)
obs. deformedness; disfavor; disfavour; misshapement
безобразие! n
gen. wow; it's simply appalling!
dipl. it's disgraceful! (bigmaxus); it's scandalous! (bigmaxus); it's simply a disgrace! (bigmaxus)
Gruzovik, inf. it's outrageous!
humor. outrageous! (So Sunrise Pizza isn’t in Sunrise? Outrageous!! • "Metro Vancouver bus union warns of service shutdown without a deal with the employer." "Outrageous! Do you know how many Vancouverites rely on those buses as a safe place to OD?" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
rude shit
безобразия n
gen. excesses (мн.ч.; pl. Andrey Truhachev)
: 55 phrases in 8 subjects
Teenager slang1